Prof. Pulok Kumar Mukherjee.



BRIC-Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (BRIC-IBSD)

Biotechnology Research and Innovation Council, Dept. of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India

IBSD, Imphal: Takyelpat, Imphal - 795001, Manipur, India

IBSD, Shillong: 5th Mile, Upper Shillong, Shillong, Meghalaya 793009, India

IBSD, Sikkim: 5th Mile, Tadong, Gangtok, Sikkim 737102

IBSD, Aizwal: Nursery Veng, Aizawl, Mizoram 796005, India



Prof. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar MukherjeeProf. Pulok Kumar Mukherjee


Professor Pulok Kumar Mukherjee is working as the Director, Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD), an autonomous Institute under Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India consisting of its four centres in North east India: Imphal, Manipur; Aizawl, Mizoram; Gangtok, Sikkim and Shilong, Meghalaya.

He has been working on Drug discovery from natural resources with its various translational components on Ethnopharmacology, chemical biology, Ethnobotany, metabolomics linked with chemistry of natural products, therapeutic validation, and related aspects. His has made outstanding contribution for evidence based validation of herbs used in several ancient systems leading to discovery of drugs from nature and from the ancestors. He also worked as the Director of the School of Natural Product Studies, and Head of the Department and Professor at the Dept. of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.

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Books Edited/Authored

Quality Evaluation and Validation of Herbal Drugs

Quality Evaluation and Validation of Herbal Drugs

Author: Prof. Pulok K Mukherjee

ISBN: 9780128133743

Publisher: Elsevier


Quality Control and Evaluation of Herbal Drugs brings together current thinking and practices for evaluation of natural products and traditional medicines. The use of herbal medicine in therapeutics is on the rise in both developed and developing countries and this book facilitates the necessary development of quality standards for these medicines.This book elucidates on various challenges and opportunities for quality evaluation of herbal drugs with several integrated approaches including metabolomics, chemoprofiling, marker analysis, stability testing, good practices for manufacturing, clinical aspects, Ethnopharmacology and Ethnomedicine inspired drug development. This book will be useful in bio-prospecting of natural products and traditional medicine-inspired drug discovery and development.

Evidence-Based Validation of Herbal Medicine

Evidence-Based Validation of Herbal Medicine

Author: Prof. Pulok K Mukherjee

ISBN: 9780323855426

Publisher: Elsevier


Evidence-Based Validation of Herbal Medicines: Translational Research on Botanicals brings together current thinking and practice in the characterization and validation of natural products. The book describes different approaches and techniques for evaluating the quality, safety and efficacy of herbal medicine, particularly methods to assess their activity and understand compounds responsible and their probable underlying mechanisms of action. This book brings together the views, expertise and experiences of scientific experts in the field of medicinal plant research, hence it will be useful for researcher who want to know more about the natural lead with their validation and also useful to exploit traditional medicines.

Natural Medicine Clinical efficacy, Safety and Quality

Natural Medicine Clinical efficacy, Safety and Quality

Author: Dr. Dilip Ghosh & Prof. Pulok K Mukherjee

ISBN: 9781138733060

Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group


Globally, natural medicine has been considered as an important alternative to modern allopathic medicine. Although natural medicines are popular in society, only limited medicinal herbs have been scientifically evaluated for their potential in medicinal treatment. This book connects various aspects of the complex journey from traditional medicine to modern medicine. It provides information on topics including global regulations and regulatory hurdles, diverse nutritional challenges and potential health benefits, novel food innovations especially seed-to-clinical approaches and future trends.

Evaluation of Herbal Medicinal Products: perspectives on quality, safety

Evaluation of Herbal Medicinal Products: perspectives on quality, safety

Author: Prof. Pulok K Mukherjee and Dr. Peter J Houghton

ISBN: 9780853697510

Publisher: Pharmaceutical Press

The intention of this book is to describe and assess different approaches and techniques for evaluating the quality and efficacy of herbal medicines. It brings together articles on current thinking and practice in these areas and highlights up-to-date research which should facilitate improvements in the topics under consideration. It is an indispensable resource for academic and industrial researchers and both undergraduate and postgraduate pharmacy students.

Traditional Medicine and Globalization

Traditional Medicine and Globalization

Author: Prof. Pulok K Mukherjee

ISBN: 9788192624303

Publisher: Maven Publishers

Given the importance on promotion and development of natural products, this book covers various aspects on revitalization of traditional medicines. A wide diversity of chapters has been contributed by eminent personalities throughout the world including Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, Former President of India; Shri Shekhar Dutt, Dr. R. Verpoorte, Dr. P. J. Houghton, Dr. Marco Leonti, and others. It is an imperative addition to the libraries of technical and administrative personnel in the industries and Universities as a potential resource to update their knowledge on globalization of traditional medicine.

Compendium of Anti-Viral Medicinal Plants

Compendium of Anti-Viral Medicinal Plants

Author: Compendium of Anti-Viral Medicinal Plants


Publisher: Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata & Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development, Imphal

The compendium of anti-viral medicinal plants of North Eastern region of India is a compilation of various plants reported for their anti-viral activities and practiced as well as proven for its medicinal properties. This compendium intends to provide information on the medicinal plants occurred in the biodiversity rich region of the country. This information gives a glimpse on various medicinal plants belonging to diverse geographic locations and habitats of the North Eastern region of India. This book provides useful information for the local communities for its conservation, cultivation and could also be used for the development of herbal industries in the region.

Flora of Manipur

Flora of Manipur

Author: Prof. Pulok K Mukherjee and A A Mao

ISBN: 978819872671

Publisher: Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata & Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development, Imphal

The 'Pictorial Checklist of Plants of Manipur' which enlists the rich plant wealth of the state. This is the first of its kind such a document is being developed on flora of Manipur. This book lists 4012 plant taxa from Manipur under 1405 genera in 225 families. The document is supplemented with 1300 photographs depicting 1200 taxa, which will help in identifying the plants. This document consolidated the updated scientific literature about the Flora of Manipur and will fulfil the knowledge gap in better understanding the plants present in Manipur.