Government & Industry Projects
Ongoing Projects: (2)
- Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, New Delhi, Vide Sanction letter Ref. No. BT/PR45281/NER/95/1934/2022 Dated 17-03-2022; “Documentation and validation of Traditional Healthcare of Indian Himalayan Region: Tralsational Approach”, under Himalayan Bioresource Mission.
- Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, New Delhi (DBT), Setting up – BioNEST incubator to develop women bioentrepreneur through orchid floriculture in Megalaya, vide sanction letter No. BT/BIRAC/BI-IBSD/2019.
Projects – Completed: (34)
- Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, New Delhi (DBT), vide sanction letter F No. BT/PR29025/TRM/120/206/2018 Dated 20-09-2019; “Phytopharmaceutical development of Trachyspermum ammi for post kala-azar Dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL)”.
- National Medicinal Plants Board, vide letter No. Z.18017/187/CSS/R&D/WB-02/2017-18-NMPB-IV A dated 8.01.2018; “Development of sensor probes for quantification of active constituents in Andrographis paniculata and Piper nigrum using Near Infrared Spectroscopy”
- Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, New Delhi (DBT), vide anction letter F. No. BT/PR40374/TRM/120/484/2020, Dated 24.08.2020, “DBT-AYUSH Network on R&D Activities related to SARS-CoV-2 Virus and COVID-19 Disease”; Project entitled “Sub-Network 1: Studies on anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity of selected medicinal plants and formulations in cell culture model of virus infection”.
- Emami Ltd., Kolkata. Vide letter no. Sanction letter No. R&D/CKK/CG/PRO/ 2015, dated 27.10.2015, Project entitled “Development and evaluation of ‘Varnya’ formulations from the medicinal plants of Ayurvedic importance”.
- Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi, vide letter Ref. No. – DST/INT/South Africa/P-17/2016, dated 15-12-2016, Project entitled “Investigation of traditional medicines used as anti-infectives and against neurodegenerative Disease”.
- Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, vide sanction letter ref no. EMR/2016/007037 dated 18.06.2018; “Medicinal plants of Cucurbitaceae family – Metabolomic study and Therapeutic Evaluation.
- TATA Innovation Fellowship, Department of Biotechnology (DBT), New Delhi, vide letter No. D.O. No. BT/HRD/35/01/04/2014, Project entitled “Metabolomic study: tools for quality evaluation and validation of Medicinal plants used in Indian systems of medicine”.
- Department of Biotechnology (DBT), New Delhi: Vide letter no. BT/PR4712/PBD/17/2012; dated 14.11.2013. Project entitled “Development of Standardized, Efficacious and Safe Herbal Preparation for Visceral Leishmaniasis (Kala-Azar) and Study of Its Chemistry, Biology and Toxicity”.
- Albert David Limited, Kolkata, Vide letter No. HPK/km/ Date 10-1-2017, Project entitled “Development of test protocol, standardization and method validation of ADLIV Forte capsules and individual plant extracts”.
- India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) Trilateral Cooperation Program: Vide letter no INT/IBSA/01-04/2010(i); dated 18/05/2011. Project entitled “Novel Drug Discovery and Development Approaches for the Pharmacological Immune Enhancers in Immune Compromised Individuals”.
- Department of Biotechnology (DBT), NER Division New Delhi: F. No: BT /153/NE/TBP/2011 for the project entitled “Synergistic Interaction of Antibacterial Natural Products from Medicinal Plants of North East India: An Effort in Developing Multi Drug Resistance Natural Antibiotic Leads” by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), NER Division New Delhi.
- National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB), New Delhi: F. No: Z. 18017/187/CSS/R&D/WB-01/2009-10–MPB, for the project entitled “Evaluation of Safety Profile of Some Anti-Diabetic Plants Used in Indian System of Medicine”, by National Medicinal Plants Board, New Delhi.
- DST-DPRP, Govt. of India, New Delhi: “Anti-aging & Anti-wrinkle Formulation with Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitory Activity from Natural resources” File No- VI-D&P/287/08-09/TDT, Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.
- CSIR, Govt of India, New Delhi: “Anti-aging and Anti-Wrinkle Formulation Development from Indian Medicinal Plants”, Awards No: 9/96(0711) 2K/2-EMR-I, Dated 15/02/2012 by Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Govt of India, New Delhi
- DST- SERC, Govt. of India, New Delhi: “Search for Acetyl Cholinesterase Inhibitors from Indian Medicinal Plants”- DST SERC Research Project F. No. SR/SO/HS-11/2008 by Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi.
- Ulysses Research Foundation (URF), Kolkata: vide F. No URF/KLGS/I000003; dated 15/07/2011. Project entitled “Development and Evaluation of Natural Product Based Formulation”
- AICTE–MODROBS, Govt. of India, New Delhi: “Safety Evaluation of Herbal Medicine” AICTE MODROBS, AICTE, New Delhi F. No – 8024/RID/BOR/MOD-74./2008-09, by AICTE, New Delhi.
- AICTE – RPS, Govt. of India, New Delhi: “Marker analysis for standardization of some Indian medicinal plants-Tool for Standardization of Botanicals” F. No– 8023/BOR/RID/RPS-204/2008-09 by AICTE RPS, New Delhi.
- CSIR, Extra Mural Research Division, Government of India, New Delhi; “Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors from Indian Medicinal Plants” F.No. 60(0084)/08/EMR-II, by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research [CSIR], Extra Mural Research Division, Government of India, New Delhi.
- CCRAS, Govt. of India, New Delhi: “Evaluation of Safety Profile of Herbs Used In Ayurveda With CYP450 Enzymes Inhibition Method”- File No. 5-29/2006/CCRAS/Tech/Hq/EMR, Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, Department of AYUSH, Govt. of India.
- ICMR, Govt of India, New Delhi: “Lead finding for anti-allergic potentials from Indian Medicinal Plants” F. No: 45/27/2007/BMS/TRM, by Indian Council of Medical Research.
- CSIR, Govt of India, New Delhi: “Evaluation of immunomodulatory activity various parts (rhizome and seeds) of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn (Fam. Nymphaeaceae).” Awards No: 9/96 (0531) 2K8-EMR-I, Dated 18/03/2008 by Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Govt of India, New Delhi.
- UGC, Govt. of India, New Delhi: UGC Major Research Project File No 33-119/2007 (SR). for the project entitled “Acetyl cholinesterase [AChE] Inhibitors from Indian Spices” by University Grant commission, New Delhi.
- DST SERC Research Project F. No. SP/SO/HS-17/2002 for the project entitled “Development and Evaluation of Phytosomes - A Value Added Herbal Drug Delivery System” Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, New Delhi.
- DST-JSPS, research Project, on “Anti allergic potential from Indian Medicinal Plants” File No.: DST/INT/JAP/MISC/08, Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India and Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS), Japan.
- INDC Research Project for the project entitled “Value Added Herbal Formulation Development” by Indian National Drug Company Private Ltd, 5/2, Dr. S.C. Bannerjee Road, Kolkata.
- DBT Research Project F. No. No – BT/PR3836/PBD/17/245/2003 for the project entitled “Botanicals as Acetyl Cholinesterase (AChE) Inhibitors from Indian Medicinal Plants” by Department of Biotechnology Technology (DBT), New Delhi.
- ICMR Task Force Scheme Ref No – MPU/HD-Monog/21/2004/ for the project entitled “Development of Quality Standards of Indian Medicinal Plants and Preparation of Monographs there of” by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi.
- AICTE project under TAPTEC scheme F. No. 8017/RDII/NPJRO/TAP-25/2002-2003 for the project entitled “Development of Marker Analysis Profiling of Herbal Drugs” by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi.
- DIA project entitled “Pharmacovigilance Study on A Few Botanical Preparations Used In Ayurvedic medicine in India” by Drug Information Association, Horsham, PA, USA.
- UGC Major Research Project F. No. F.7-18/2003 (SR) for the project entitled “Lead Findings in Indian Hypericum Species” by University Grant commission, New Delhi.
- UGC Minor Research Project File No-P-1/1576/02 on “Safety Evaluation in Herbal Medicine...” by University Grants Commission.
- AICTE Career award for Young Teachers F. No. 1-52/CD/CA (6)/96-97 for the project entitled “Screening & Evaluation of Therapeutic......Tamilnadu” by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi.
- Dabur Research Foundation Project Ref No – RM/APC/M -0081/2K+4/250 for the project entitled “Evaluation of Araucaria bidwillii Hook, (Family: Araucariaceae) (Monkey puzzle) in Cerebral Ischemia Induced Delayed Neuronal Death in Rats” by Dabur Research Foundation, Ghaziabad –U.P.